Set up automated tests on your business data without needing R&Ds help

Project Echo helps analysts automatically monitor their business data without needing to set up servers, write complex scripts, or bother R&D.

We support all the popular databases

Google BigQuery

Amazon Redshift




Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer annual pricing?

Yes we do. All paid plans come with an annual subscription option which includes a discount of 2 free months.

I don't have an analyst, will you set up my test for me?

Yes, we can help you set up your tests. After signing up to Project Echo, send an email to with some info on the tests you want to set up and we will be in touch.

I don't have a data warehouse but use services like Facebook ads, SalesForce, and Google Analytics. Can I use Project Echo to monitor my business?

Currently Project Echo only integrates with databases but we are planning on adding direct connections to popular data sources such as Facebook ads, SalesForce and Google Analytics.

I need info on your enterprise pricing, how can I get in touch?

You can contact us via email at

I have a feature request, how can I send it to you?

The best way to send us product feedback and feature requests is via our Canny board, You are also welcome to send us the info at

Do you offer plans for nonprofits?

Yes we do. Non-profits get a 50% discount on all paid plans. Send us an email after signing up to the service with some info on your nonprofit and we will send you a discount code to use when upgrading.